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出处:法律顾问网·涉外www.flguwen.com     时间:2014/9/19 21:34:26


Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Certain Issues Concerning the Application of Law to the Trial of Cases Involving Delivery of Goods without Original Bills of Lading


(Adopted at the 1463th Session of the Trial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on February 16, 2009)


In order to properly try cases involving delivery of goods without original bills of lading, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Maritime Code of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Maritime Code"), the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws.


Article 1 For the purposes of these Provisions, an original bill of lading shall include straight bill of lading, order bill of lading and open bill of lading.

第一条 本规定所称正本提单包括记名提单、指示提单和不记名提单。

Article 2 Where a carrier, in violation of laws, delivers goods without the original bill of lading (B/L), thus injuring the original B/L holder's rights under the B/L, the original B/L holder may request the carrier to bear the civil liability for the resultant loss.

第二条 承运人违反法律规定,无正本提单交付货物,损害正本提单持有人提单权利的,正本提单持有人可以要求承运人承担由此造成损失的民事责任。

Article 3 Where any loss is caused to the holder of an original B/L due to delivery of goods by a carrier without the original B/L, the holder may request the carrier to bear the liability for breach of contract or tort.

Where the holder requests the carrier to bear the civil liability for delivery of goods without the original B/L, the provisions of the Maritime Code shall apply; in the absence of such provisions, the relevant provisions of other laws shall apply.

第三条 承运人因无正本提单交付货物造成正本提单持有人损失的,正本提单持有人可以要求承运人承担违约责任,或者承担侵权责任。


Article 4 Where a carrier bears any civil liability for delivery of goods without the original B/L, the provisions of Article 56 of the Maritime Code relevant to limited compensation liability shall not apply.

第四条 承运人因无正本提单交付货物承担民事责任的,不适用海商法第五十六条关于限制赔偿责任的规定。

Article 5 If a person uses a forged B/L for collecting goods from a carrier, the consignee that holds the original B/L may request the carrier to bear the civil liability for delivery of goods without the original B/L.

第五条 提货人凭伪造的提单向承运人提取了货物,持有正本提单的收货人可以要求承运人承担无正本提单交付货物的民事责任。

Article 6 The amount of compensation for the loss caused by a carrier to the holder of an original B/L due to delivery of goods without the original B/L shall be calculated based on the value of the goods plus freight and insurance expenses when the goods are shipped.

第六条 承运人因无正本提单交付货物造成正本提单持有人损失的赔偿额,按照货物装船时的价值加运费和保险费计算。

Article 7 If a carrier is obligated, according to the provisions of the laws of the place where the port of discharge is located stated in the bill of lading, to deliver the goods arrived at the port of discharge to the local authority in charge of customs or port, the carrier shall not bear the civil liability for delivery of goods without any original bill of lading.

第七条 承运人依照提单载明的卸货港所在地法律规定,必须将承运到港的货物交付给当地海关或者港口当局的,不承担无正本提单交付货物的民事责任。

Article 8 In the case no customs declaration is made for the goods that have arrived at the port of discharge within the time limit specified by laws and the relevant customs collects the goods and sells them legally, or the relevant court renders a decision, in accordance with law, to sell the goods left by the carrier, if the carrier alleges the exemption from liability for delivery of goods, the people's court shall uphold such allegation.

第八条 承运到港的货物超过法律规定期限无人向海关申报,被海关提取并依法变卖处理,或者法院依法裁定拍卖承运人留置的货物,承运人主张免除交付货物责任的,人民法院应予支持。

Article 9 Where a carrier, according to the requirements by the consignor of a straight B/L, suspends the shipment, returns the goods, changes the port of destination or delivers the goods to other consignees, if the consignee who holds the straight B/L requests the carrier to bear the civil liability for delivery of goods without the original bill of lading, the people's court shall not uphold such request.

第九条 承运人按照记名提单托运人的要求中止运输、返还货物、变更到达地或者将货物交给其他收货人,持有记名提单的收货人要求承运人承担无正本提单交付货物民事责任的,人民法院不予支持。

Article 10 Where a carrier issues an original B/L in multiple copies, after the carrier delivers the goods to the person who first submits the original B/L, if other persons who hold the same original B/L request the carrier to bear the civil liability for delivery of goods without the original B/L, the people's court shall not uphold such request.

第十条 承运人签发一式数份正本提单,向最先提交正本提单的人交付货物后,其他持有相同正本提单的人要求承运人承担无正本提单交付货物民事责任的,人民法院不予支持。

Article 11 The holder of an original B/L may request the carrier who delivers goods without the original B/L and the person who collects goods without the original B/L to bear joint and several liability for the compensation.

第十一条 正本提单持有人可以要求无正本提单交付货物的承运人与无正本提单提取货物的人承担连带赔偿责任。

Article 12 With regard to a consignor who actually delivers the goods to a carrier and holds an order B/L, although the consignor's capacity is not clearly stated in the original B/L, if the consignor, on the ground that the carrier fails to deliver goods with the original B/L, files a petition to request the carrier to assume civil liability for delivery of goods without the original B/L according to a contract of carriage of goods by sea, the people's court shall uphold such petition.

第十二条 向承运人实际交付货物并持有指示提单的托运人,虽然在正本提单上没有载明其托运人身份,因承运人无正本提单交付货物,要求承运人依据海上货物运输合同承担无正本提单交付货物民事责任的,人民法院应予支持。

Article 13 After a carrier fails to deliver goods with an original B/L, if the holder of the original B/L and the person who collects the goods without the original B/L reach an agreement on payment for goods, failure to receive the agreed payment shall not prejudice the exercise of the right of holder to filing a civil action against the carrier for the loss incurred to the holder due to the delivery of goods without the original B/L.

第十三条 在承运人未凭正本提单交付货物后,正本提单持有人与无正本提单提取货物的人就货款支付达成协议,在协议款项得不到赔付时,不影响正本提单持有人就其遭受的损失,要求承运人承担无正本提单交付货物的民事责任。

Article 14 In case the holder of an original B/L files an action on the ground that the carrier delivers goods without the original B/L, the provisions of Article 257 of the Maritime Code shall apply, and the time limit for limitation of action shall be one year commencing from the date of delivery of goods by the carrier.

If the holder of an original B/L files an action involving tort on the ground that the carrier and a person who collects the goods without the original B/L jointly commit the act of delivery of goods without the original B/L, with regard to limitation of action, the provisions specified in the preceding paragraph shall apply.

第十四条 正本提单持有人以承运人无正本提单交付货物为由提起的诉讼,适用海商法第二百五十七条的规定,时效期间为一年,自承运人应当交付货物之日起计算。


Article 15 In case the holder of an original B/L files an action on the ground that a carrier delivers goods without the original B/L, with regard to discontinuance of limitation, the provisions of Article 267 of the Maritime Code shall apply.

If the holder of an original B/L files an action involving tort on the ground that the carrier and a person who collects the goods without the original B/L jointly commit act of delivery of goods without the original B/L, with regard to discontinuance of limitation, the provisions specified in the preceding paragraph shall apply.

第十五条 正本提单持有人以承运人无正本提单交付货物为由提起的诉讼,时效中断适用海商法第二百六十七条的规定。



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