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Desperate Housewives 第一季 12集:Every Day a Little De
出处:法律顾问网·涉外www.flguwen.com     时间:2011/8/10 15:49:12

Desperate Housewives 第一季 12集:Every Day a Little Death
-NARRATOR: Previously on Desperate Housewives
 previously: 先前,以前 desperate: 绝望的,不顾一切的
-MIKE: These are nice people.
我们弄错了, 他们是好人
-MR. SHAW: My money says one of 'em isn't.
 of’em: of them
-SUSAN: How creepy is Mrs. Huber's sister?
 creepy: 古怪的
-NARRATOR: Promises were made.
 make promise: 作出承诺
-FELICIA: I'm going to find out exactly what happened to her.
 be going to: 将要 find out: 发现,揭穿 exactly: 确切地 happen to sb.: 发生在…身上
-NARRATOR: Marriages came undone.
 marriage: 婚姻 come: 变得 undone: 解开的;毁灭的, 破落的
-CARLOS: We are starting a family.
-GABRIELLE: We're not negotiating my uterus.
 negotiate: 商量,协议 uterus: 子宫
-BREE: Would you go out to dinner with me?
 go out (to): 出去;参加社交活动
George, 你想和我一起吃晚饭吗?
-GEORGE: Like a date?
 date: 约会
-REX: a date?
-NARRATOR: And the truth...
-MARTHA you burned her house down.
 burn down: 烧毁         
-NARRATOR:...was denied.
 deny: 否认,拒绝
-SUSAN: I absolutely did not do that thing you accused me of.
 absolutely: 绝对地 accuse of: 控告
-NARRATOR: Martha Huber waited her whole life
 whole: 整体的,全部的
Martha Huber一辈子都在等待
for something to happen to her, something exciting.
wait for: 等侯,等待 exciting: 令人激动的
As a child she hoped to be kidnapped by a band of pirates.
kidnap: 绑架 band: 一伙 pirate: 海盗
在孩提时代, 她希望被一群海盗绑架
As a teenager she dreamt of being discovered by a Hollywood talent scout.
teenager: 青少年 dream of: 梦想,渴望 discover: 发现 Hollywood: 好莱坞
scout: 侦查员 talent scout: 人才发掘者
在少女时期, 她希望被好莱坞的星探发掘
As a young woman she fantasized
fantasize: 幻想
在她正值妙龄之时, 她幻想着有个
a handsome millionaire would sweep her off her feet.
handsome: 英俊的 millinore: 百万富翁
sweep: 席卷 sweep off one’s feet: 把某人一下迷住,使某人神魂颠倒
But the years had flown by and still nothing exciting
flow: 流逝
但是随着岁月的流逝, 依然没有
had ever happened to Martha Huber.
happen to: 发生在…身上
Until the night she was murdered.
until: 直到 murder: 谋杀
-PAUL: Hello, Mrs. Huber.
你好, Huber夫人
-MARTHA: Paul.
-PAUL: Let me give you a hand.
 give sb a hand: 帮助某人        
-MARTHA: That's really not necessary.
-PAUL: I insist.
 insist: 坚持
-NARRATOR:In those last moments it occurred to her,
 moment: 时刻 occur to: 意识到,被想起
在最后的时刻, 她意识到生活
in addition to being boring,
in addition to: 除…之外 boring: 单调的,乏味的
life could also be very cruel.
cruel: 残酷的
-NARRATOR:Luckily for Mrs. Huber,
death was far more merciful.
 merciflu: 仁慈的
-OFFICER JACKSON: What do you think?
-POLICE CHIEF: That's our missing woman all right.
 missing: 失踪的,找不到的 all right: 正确的
Oh, jeez. Didn't take the media long to get wind of this.
 jeez: 呀,天啊 media: 媒体 get wind of: 得到…风声
天啊. 媒体很快就会得到消息了
Make sure no one contaminates my crime scene.
make sure: 确保,保证 contaminate: 弄脏,污染 crime: 犯罪 scene: 现场
-OFFICER JACKSON: Hey, little lady.
嗨, 女士
A lot of people are looking for you. You know that?
a lot of: 许多,大量 look for: 寻找
你知道吗, 一大群人在找你呢
Your face is gonna be on the front page of every paper in this state.
gonna: going to 将要 front page: 头版 state: 州
How's that for exciting?
exciting: 兴奋的,刺激的
-NARRATOR: Officer Jackson couldn't be sure, but for a brief moment,
 brief: 简短的 for a moment: 片刻,一会儿
Jackson警官不敢肯定, 但在一瞬间
he thought he saw the corpse of Martha Huber smile.
corpse: 尸体
他觉得他看到Martha Huber的尸体...笑了
 Death had come once again to Wisteria Lane.
 once again: 再次,又一次
死神又一次降临了Wisteria Lane
-POLICE CHIEF: I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.
 afraid: 害怕的,担忧的
We found your sister’s body.
body: 尸体
-NARRATOR: Word of the tragedy would soon spread throughout the neighborhood.
 word: 消息 tragedy: 悲剧 spread throughout: 传遍 neighborhood: 邻居
But for now, people went about their lives as they always did,
for now: 暂时,眼前,现在 go about: 做,忙于
blissfully unaware.
blissfully: 幸福地 unware: 不知情
-- 充满喜悦地毫不知情。
-SUSAN: Hello, anybody home?
你好. 有人在吗?
-MIKE: In the kitchen.
 kitchen: 厨房
-SUSAN: Good news. I finished my book, so I thought to celebrate,
 finish: 完成 celebrate: 庆祝
有个好消息,我画完了我的书, 所以我想庆祝一下。
you could take me out to lunch.
take…out: 把…带出去;邀请某人外出
-EDIE: Hey, Susan.
嗨, Susan。
-MIKE: Uh, could we do a rain check?
 uh=huh: 嗯check: 支票 rain check:延期举行
Edie and I are just looking over the plans to rebuild her house.
look over: 仔细检查 rebuild: 重新建造
-EDIE: My insurance company is finally cutting my check next week,
 insurance: 保险 finally: 最终,终于
cut: 减少 check: 支票【这里指保险公司减少了Edie自己修房子的费用】
and there’s only one plumber I want.
plumber: 管道工
So don't expect to see this guy for a few months.
expect: 期望 guy: 男人
I'm gonna be riding him hard.
gonna(=going to): 将要 ride: 控制,缠住;骑 hard: 辛苦的,努力的
-SUSAN: Well, if anyone can go the distance, he can. I should know.
 go the distance: 自始自终
如果说有任何人能坚持到底, 他能。我应该知道。
-EDIE: Uh, Mike?
嗯, Mike?
Mike? We're on the clock.
 on the clock: 很忙
Hey Felicia, what’s up?
嗨, Felicia. 什么事?
-MIKE: Edie?
-EDIE: They found Martha.
-LYNETTE: Here, blow. Good, all right. Come on, it’s going to be fun. Follow me.
 all right: 好,行 come on: 赶紧,快点 fun: 有趣的事 follow: 跟随
喔, 好, 好的,来吧. 这会很有趣的. 跟我来
-LAUREN: Excuse me. You can't do that.
-LYNETTE: I'm here for the 10 a.m. yoga meditation class.
 a.m.:(缩写)上午 yoga: 瑜伽 meditation: 沉思,冥想
-LAUREN: Unfortunately, the day care center is full.
 unfortunately: 遗憾地,不幸地 day care: (托儿所的)日托
不好意思, 日托中心满了
-LYNETTE: Yeah, I noticed that, but every time I come here, it’s full.
 notice: 注意
是啊, 我注意到了, 但我每次来都是满的
-LAUREN: It’s a popular class, and the other moms come early.
那课很热门, 而且其它的妈妈来得更早
Look, all I can tell you is plan ahead next time.
plan: 计划 ahead: 在…前面 plan ahead: 提前计划
你看, 我能告诉你的就是下次早点来
-LYNETTE: Uh, Lauren? I'm a mother of four.
Lauren, 我是四个孩子的母亲
Today I had to get up at five,
have to: 不得不,必须 get up: 起床
make lunches, make breakfast, drop the twins off at school,
drop off: 让…下车
做中饭, 做早饭, 送双胞胎上学
and get across town lugging a baby and a sick child.
get across: 穿越 lug: 拖着  sick: 生病的
Telling me to plan ahead is like telling me to sprout wings.
sprout: 使发芽,长出 wing: 翅膀
And it’s things like being told to plan ahead that make me so crazy,
crazy: 疯狂的
that yoga is the only thing that relaxes me,
yoga: 瑜伽 relax: 使轻松
except I show up here, and I can't get in,
except: 把…除外 show up: 出现 get in: 进去
and you tell me to plan ahead.
plan ahead: 提前计划
It’s a vicious cycle. See how that works?
vicious: 恶毒的,恶意的   cycle: 循环 work: 起作用
-LAUREN: I get it, but if I broke the rules for you, I'd have to break them for the other moms too,
 get: 明白,理解 break: 打破
and then the moms who actually follow the rules would get all pissed at me,
actually: 事实上 follow: 遵照,听从 pissed: 愤怒的 be pissed at: 生某人的气
and I'd have to get pissy right back,
have to: 必须 pissy: 低劣的,令人恼火的
and before you know it, I don't have time to read my magazine.
magazine: 杂志
在你知道前, 我没有时间看杂志了
See how that works?
-LYNETTE: I hope someday, you have lots of children.
 lots of: 许多,大量
Hello? Oh, hey Susan. Listen, I can't talk, I'm in the middle of something here.
in the middle of: 在…中间
喂? 嗨, Susan. 我现在不能和你多说,我正在 --
-GEORGE: I had a wonderful time today.
 wonderful: 美妙的
-BREE: Thank you. I did too.
谢谢. 我也很开心。
Sorry I can't invite you in for coffee.
 invite in: 请(某人)进入(房间、房屋等)
-GEORGE: Oh, I get it. Rex still lives in the house. It would be awkward.
 get: 理解 awkward: 奇怪的,尴尬的
不, 我明白. Rex还住在家里,那会很尴尬。
-BREE: Yeah, and I would rather cut off my hand than hurt his feelings.
 would rather: 宁愿,宁可 cut off: 切掉,砍掉 hurt: 伤害 feeling: 感情
是啊, 我宁愿切掉我的手也不愿伤害他的感情。
It'll, um, it'll be a lot easier once he gets well enough to move out.
um: (表示迟疑)嗯  a lot: 许多 once: 一旦…就 move out: 搬出
那个, 嗯... 一旦他康复到可以搬出去了,就会变得轻松很多。
-GEORGE: Do you want to have lunch tomorrow?
-BREE: I'd love to.
-GEORGE: Okay. Wow!
 wow: (表示惊讶、羡慕等)〈非正〉哇
好的. 太好了
-BREE: Pick me up at one and we'll do something fun.
 pick out: 接乘 fun: 有趣的人或事
一点来接我, 我们找些乐子。
-GEORGE: See you then.
-BREE: Oh, packages! Thank you.
 package: 包裹
哦, 包裹,谢谢。
Hello! Oh, hi Lynette! What?
喂,哦, 嗨, Lynette。什么?
-GABRIELLE: Hi, honey! Welcome home!
嗨, 亲爱的,欢迎回家。
-CARLOS: Thanks, guys. Take it easy.
 take it easy: 慢慢来
-GABRIELLE: Come on, honey, let’s celebrate!
 come on: 来吧
来吧, 亲爱的, 让我们庆祝一下。
Sorry it’s the cheap stuff. I had to economize.
stuff: 物品 economize: 节约,节省
不好意思那是便宜货, 我得节约开支。
Now that you're back, we can restock the wine cellar. Let’s toast.
now that: 既然 restock: 重新贮藏 wine: 红酒 cellar: 地窖 toast:: 干杯
但现在你回来了, 我们能重新储存酒窖了,干杯。
-CARLOS: Very good to be back。
-GABRIELLE: What’s that?
-CARLOS: It transmits to this. My electronic monitoring device.
 transmit: 传输,传送 electronic: 电子的 monitor: 监管,监控 device: 装置
它发送信号到这儿 -- 我的电子监控系统。
didn't the lawyer tell you?
-GABRIELLE: Tell me what?
-CARLOS: I'm on house arrest. It's a condition of my bail.
 arrest: 拘捕 house arrest: 软禁 condition: 条件 bail: 保释
我在被软禁, 这是保释的条件之一。
-GABRIELLE: Uh, no! No, he neglected to tell me that.
 uh=huh: 嗯 neglect: 忽略
哦, 不, 不, 他忘了告诉我
-CARLOS: Yeah, if I move more than a hundred feet from that telephone, an alarm sounds.
 feet: 英尺 alarm: 警报
If I keep going, it transmits a signal to the FBI, and I'm back in jail.
transmit: 传送 signal: 信号
FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局 jail: 监狱
如果我继续离开, 它会传送信号到联邦调查局, 那么我又进去了
-GABRIELLE: But, how are you gonna work?
 gonna: going to 将要
-CARLOS: I can't. I can't do anything.
我不能. 我什么都不能做。
-GABRIELLE: Uh, no! No, no! That’s unreasonable.
 unreasonable: 不合理
哦, 不, 不, 不, 那太不合理了。
What do they expect us to do for money?
expect: 希望,期望
-CARLOS: The lawyer's working on unfreezing the accounts.
 work on: 致力于 unfreeze: 解冻 account: 账户
In the meantime, I mean, haven't you been working modeling jobs?
in the meantime: 同时 model: 模特
另外, 我说, 你不是在接模特工作吗?
-GABRIELLE: Carlos, this is not like New York where I made thousands of dollars a day modeling haute couture.
 haute: 时髦又昂贵的,高级的 couture: 服装
Carlos, 那可不像是我在纽约为高级女装做模特时一天能赚上千美元那样。
I'm doing boat shows.
show: 展览
I spend eight hours a day doing this!
spend: 花费时间
-CARLOS: I'd buy two boats from you. Come on.
 come on: 拜托
Where’s my toast?
toast: 干杯
-GABRIELLE: Welcome home.
Hello. Hi Bree. What?
喂,嗨, Bree,什么?
-POLICE CHIEF: If you find anything in your sister’s belongings that might shed some light on her death,
 belonging: 所有物 shed: 使…流出 shed light on: 为...提供线索
um, letters or a date book, please, call me immediately.
um: (表示迟疑)嗯 immediately: 马上
信或者记事册, 请立即打电话给我。
-FELICIA: I believe she did keep a diary of something. I'll look around for it.
 diary: 日记 look around for: 四处寻找
我相信她曾经在写日记, 我找找看。
Look at them all. Vultures. Pretending to care when all they really want are the sordid details.
 vulture: 秃鹰 pretend to: 假装 care: 关心,在意
soedid: 肮脏的 detail: 细节,详情
看看他们,一群秃鹫, 假装关心,而他们真正想要的是肮脏的详情
-POLICE CHIEF: I don't know, I think they just want to show their support.
 show: 表现出 support: 支持
我不知道. 我想他们只是想要表现他们的支持。
-FELICIA: Please. Human beings feed on misery.
 feed on: 以…过活 misery: 痛苦的事,不幸
拜托. 人类以悲惨为食。
Well, we might as well give the people what they want.
as well: 也
Hello. I want to thank you all for coming out here and expressing your genuine sorrow and disbelief.
 thank sb. for sth.: 因…感谢某人 come out: 出来,出现 express: 表示
genuine: 真实的 disbelief: 不信 sorrow: 悲伤
My sister, Martha, would have been so touched.
touched: 感动的
I know that many of you have questions.
-FELICIA: I've just spoken with the police who are still putting together the details of what happened.
speak with: 和…谈话 put together: 拼凑
我刚和警察谈过, 他们仍然在整理事件的细节。
What they do know is, Martha died a violent death.
violent: 暴力的
Yes, I know. It’s hard to hear.
hard: 困难的 hear: 听说,得知
哦,是的, 我知道。那很难令人接受。
Apparently, there was a struggle.
apparently: 显然地 struggle: 打斗,搏斗;挣扎
看上去, 有过一场搏斗,
They found scratching and bruising on her body,
scratch: 抓痕 bruise: 瘀伤
several broken bones, and traces of dirt in her lungs,
broken: 破裂的,被打坏的 bone: 骨头 trace: 痕迹 dirt:: 土 lung: 肺
几块断了的骨头, 和肺部中的粘土...
which leads us to believe that she was still alive at the time of her burial, and probably in great pain.
lead to: 把…带到,领到 alive: 活着的 burial: 埋葬
probably: 可能,也许 pain: 痛苦
But the good news is, there are no signs that she had been molested.
sign: 迹象 molest: 折磨,调戏,对…进行性骚扰
Now, I think it's time that you return to your homes, to your loved ones.
it’s time that: 到时间 return to: 返回到
Oh, in lieu of a memorial service, I'll be holding an estate sale the day after tomorrow.
lieu: 代替 in lieu of: 代替 memorial: 纪念的
service: 服务,接待 hold: 举办 estate: 房产
哦, 作为纪念仪式的替代,我会在后天举办一个房产销售会,
Please, no personal checks.
personal: 私人的,个人的 check: 支票
请 -- 不要使用私人支票
-NARRATOR: By the next morning, everyone on Wisteria Lane
到第二天早上, Wisteria Lane的每个人,
was aware of Martha Huber’s demise, with no exceptions.
be aware of: 知道 demise: 死亡 exception: 例外
都知道了Martha Huber的死讯...无人例外。
-LYNETTE: Okay, boys.
好了, 孩子们。
-TWIN: Hey, mom.
嗨, 妈妈。
-LYNETTE: You see this gum? If you promise to be quiet while I am downstairs playing cards,
 gum: 口香糖 promise to do: 承诺做… quiet: 安静的
down stair: 楼下 play card(s): 打牌
it’s all yours. Deal?
deal: 成交
-LYNETTE: Yeah, okay. That’s what I like to hear.
成交,好的. 那正是我想听到的。很好。
-BREE: I mean, what are the odds?
odds: 可能性
我是说, 到底是怎么回事?
First Mary Alice and then Mrs. Huber? I mean, it’s shocking.
shocking: 令人震惊的
先是Mary Alice, 然后是Huber夫人,真是令人震惊。
-GABRIELLE: Yeah, but this is different. Someone was actually murdered on our street.
 actually: 确实 murder: 谋杀
是啊, 但这次不同,有人在我们街道被谋杀了。
-LYNETTE: I remember talking to her right before she disappeared.
 talk to sb.: 与…交谈 right: 刚好 disappear: 消失,不见
-SUSAN: You did? What'd you talk about?
 talk about: 谈论        
是吗? 你们谈了什么?
-LYNETTE: Oh, actually, she yelled at me for not bringing my garbage cans in.
 actually: 事实上 yell at: 对…,吼叫,喊叫 garbage: 垃圾
can: 桶 bring in: 把…拿进来
事实上, 她因为我没有把垃圾桶拿进去。而冲我嚷嚷。
-BREE: I'm gonna miss her.
-EDIE: Hi.
-LYNETTE: Hi. Come on in.
-EDIE: Oh, you're all here.
哦, 你们都在这儿。
-LYNETTE: Yeah. Tuesday’s poker day.
 poker: 扑克
是啊, 周二是扑克日。
-EDIE: Really.
-EDIE: Oh, you know, I love poker.
哦, 我爱扑克。
Okay, then. Well, here’s the deal.
好吧,那么, 听我说。
Since the Ice Queen isn't doing anything to memorialize her sister, I have decided to carry Martha’s ashes up to Torch Lake
Queen: 女王 memorialize: 纪念 decide to do: 决定干… ash: 骨灰
and scatter them myself. It's where her husband proposed.
scatter: 洒 propose: 求婚
-LYNETTE: That’s so sweet.
-EDIE: I know. So, I thought that some of the neighbors could caravan up there,
 neighbor: 邻居 caravan: 乘拖车度假
and we'd have a little ceremony. I've printed out maps if anyone needs one,
ceremony: 仪式 print out: 打印
我们可以举行一个小小的仪式。如果有人需要地图, 我已经印好了。
and the dress is semi-formal.
semi: 半 formal: 正式的
-GABRIELLE: You know, Edie, I'd love to go, but, um, I just got back into modeling,
 um: (表示迟疑)嗯 get back: 回到…上来 modeling: 模特
你知道, Edie, 我很想去,但是, 嗯, 我刚刚重新开始模特工作,
you know, just for fun, and I have a gig tomorrow. I can't leave 'em hanging.
just: 只是,仅仅 gig: 演出 leave’em: leave them hang: 挂着【这里指放鸽子】
只是因为好玩, 我明天有个展览会,我不能放他们的鸽子。
-LYNETTE: I wish I would have known earlier. I would have arranged a sitter.
 arrange: 安排 sitter: 保姆
真希望我早点知道, 那我就可以找个照看孩子的人了。
-BREE: Darn, I have to take Rex to his angiogram.
 angiogram: 血管造影片
Darn, 我必须带Rex去拍血管造影片。
-EDIE: Hmmm. Well, Mayer, what’s your excuse?
 excuse: 借口
嗯,那么, Mayer? 你的借口是什么?
-SUSAN: I'm just, you know, busy. Stuff.
 stuff: 事情
嗯, 就是, 你知道, 太忙了。
-EDIE: Well, your friends are much better liars.
 liar: 骗子
-LYNETTE: Okay, Mommy’s friends are gone now and you can -
好了, 妈妈的朋友们走了, 你们可以
-PARKER: Ow! Ow!
 ow: 喔唷! 喔哟! (表示疼痛)
哦! 哦!
-LYNETTE: Well yeah, I know it hurts,
是啊, 我知道那很疼,
but that’s what you get when you let your brothers put bubble gum in your hair.
bubble: 泡泡 gum: 口香糖
Pain and misery.
pain: 疼痛 misery: 悲惨
-PARKER: Are you mad at me?
be mad at: 对…生气
-LYNETTE: Yes! Yes! I am mad at you.
是的. 是的, 我在生你的气
哦! 哦!
-LYNETTE: And I'm also cranky. You know how you get when you haven't taken a nap?
 cranky: 脾气暴躁的 nap: 打盹
我还很暴躁. 你们知道不睡觉的后果吧?
Well mommies are the same way. We need our down time, and if we don't get it -
down time: 停机[停歇,故障,中断运转]时间
妈妈们也一样。我们需要停工期, 如果得不到,       
-LYNETTE: - sorry, we end saying and doing things which we don't normally do.
 normally: 通常地
-LYNETTE: And it’s frustrating for me too, ‘cause I do want to be the best mommy I can be.
 frustrate: 使沮丧 ‘cause: because 因为
那也让我很沮丧, 因为我希望尽可能成为最好的妈妈。
-PARKER: I think you're the best mommy in the world.
-LYNETTE: Oh. That’s sweet of you, but it's not exactly true.
 sweet: 悦耳的 exactly: 确切地
那真中听, 但... 那个不是真的。
-BREE: I was so afraid when I suggested a picnic, that you'd make fun of me,
 suggest: 建议,提议 picnic: 野餐 make fun of: 取笑
我很担心如果我建议野餐, 你会取笑我,
but I just think it’s such a lovely, old-fashioned way to spend an afternoon.
lovely: 可爱的 old-fashioned: 老式的 spend: 度过
-GEORGE: Well, as it happens, I'm an old-fashioned kind of guy.
 as it happens: 碰巧
-BREE: Oh, and we got so lucky with the weather, it’s just absolutely –
 lucky: 幸运地 absolutely: 绝对地
而且天气也很好, 那绝对是-
You know, your lunch hour is almost up. We should probably be getting you back to the pharmacy.
 almost: 几乎,差不多 probably: 可能,也许 get back to: 回到… pharmacy: 药房
-GEORGE: Wait. I've had such a good time, these last few days, I just want to show my appreciation.
 appreciation: 感激
-BREE: Another gift? I hope it’s not another orchid, they're so expensive.
 orchid: 兰花 expensive: 昂贵的
另一个礼物? 希望不再是兰花了,它们太贵了。
-GEORGE: Relax, this didn't cost me a dime.
 relax: 放松 cost: 花费 dime: 一角硬币
没事. 这个我没花钱。
-BREE: George, you shouldn't have.
George, 你不必这样
This is a 9-mm Luger PO8!
 Luger: [德国] 鲁格尔(德国造半自动手枪名)
这个... 是一把9毫米鲁格尔P08手枪。
-GEORGE: The moment you said you were in the NRA, I knew I wanted to give it to you.
 the moment: 一…就 NRA: The national Rifle Association 国家步枪协会
当你说你曾在NRA时, 我就知道我想把它给你。
-BREE: I can't accept this, George! This is an antique. It’s too valuable.
 accept: 接受 antique: 古董 valuable: 珍贵的
我不能接受这个, George。这是个古董. 它太珍贵了。
-GEORGE: It’s okay. My grandfather gave it to me.
没关系. 我爷爷留给我的。
It was surrendered to him by a soldier during World War II.
surrender to: 向…投降,让与 soldier: 士兵
Since I don't know how to shoot...
shoot: 开枪
-BREE: It’s so lovely. I mean, look at the handle. Is that mother of pearl?
 look at: 看 handle: 把手 pearl: 珍珠
它真可爱。看看那枪柄, 那是珍珠之母吗?
-GEORGE: I think so. Only the officer’s models had that. Do you really like it?
 officer: 军官 model: 型号
我想是的. 只有军官用的那种有那个。你真的喜欢它?
-BREE: Oh, absolutely. George, this is just so much better than an orchid.
 absolutely: 绝对地,完全地 orchid: 兰花
当然了。哦, George, 这比兰花要好多了。
-SUSAN: Hi. I’m Mrs. Mayer. I saw you from across the street. I thought you might need a hand.
hand: 帮助
嗨. 我是Susan Mayer。我在街那头看到你, 我想也许你需要帮助。
-FELICIA: No, thanks.
不用了, 谢谢。
-SUSAN: I, I'm sorry for what happened.
It must be really hard, not knowing who did it, or why. You must feel helpless.
helpless: 无助的
-FELICIA: A bit. I'm hoping her journals will provide some insight.
 journal: 日记 provide: 提供 insight: 洞察力,见解
-SUSAN: Journals?
-FELICIA: Yes, Martha kept them for years.
是的, Martha写了很多年了。
-SUSAN: Oh. So, she must have written a lot of things in them?
 a lot of: 许多
-FELICIA: Every mundane detail of her life.
 mundane: 现世的,世俗的  detail: 细节,详情
And everyone else’s, for that matter.
for that matter: 就那件事而论,关于那一点
另外, 还有其他每个人的。
The police want to see them, but I'm stalling them 'til I have a chance to read through them first myself.
want to: 想要 stall: 停顿,推脱 ‘till: untill   read through: 仔细阅读
wouldn't want any embarrassing family secrets getting out.
embarrass: 使困窘 get out: 开始被人知道; 泄漏出
-SUSAN: That’s smart, that, that’s good.
很聪明. 那样,那样很好。
That’s good to hear.
I am so screwed.
 screwed: 搞砸的
-JULIE: Mom, calm down.
 calm down: 冷静
妈妈, 冷静下来。
-SUSAN: Everything about the fire and the measuring cup is gonna be in that journal.
 measure: 测量 measuring cup: 量杯 gonna: going to 将要
Everyone is gonna think I'm an arsonist.
arsonist: 纵火犯
-JULIE: It may not be as bad as it looks.
-SUSAN: What, you think there’s a chance Mrs. Huber didn't write about it in the journal?
 write about:写…的事        
什么, 你觉得Huber夫人有可能不把它写在日记里吗?
-JULIE: Please. It’s great dirt. I even put it in my journal.
 dirt: 丑事  even: 甚至
拜托. 那可是猛料。我自己都把它写在日记里了。
you're gonna have to get to Mrs. Britt and come clean.
get to:接触, 和…取得联系 come clean: 全盘托出,招供
Convince her it was an accident. If she doesn't press charges, the police will probably
just let it go.
convince: 说服 accident: 意外事故 press charges: 起诉 let… go: (俚语) 放开,放手
说服她那是一场意外,如果她不上诉, 警察很可能不会追究的。
-SUSAN: Are you high? Edie hates me.
 high: [口语] 醉了,被麻醉品麻醉了的
有没有搞错啊? Edie讨厌我。
-JULIE: That’s why you're gonna grovel at her feet and beg forgiveness.
 grovel: 趴,卑躬屈膝,五体投地的 feet: 脚 beg: 祈求 forgiveness: 原谅
That’s right. you're gonna have to suck up to Edie Britt.
 suck up to 拍马屁,奉承
对的。你必须去拍Edie Britt的马屁。
-MR. SHAW: Hey Mike,
嗨, Mike。
as you probably see by now, I took back my money
probably: 可能,也许 by now: 现在 take back: 收回,取回
你现在应该看到了, 我拿回了我的钱,
and what little information you managed to dig up on your neighbors.
manage to: 设法 dig up on sb.: 挖到,发现,揭露出某人的消息
Your replacement's going to need it.
replacement: 替换
Pack up and move on with your life.
pack up: 收拾东西 move on: 继续前进
Sorry about the mess.
mess: 乱七八糟
-LYNETTE: We're here! Woo! Ten minutes early! Sign me up?
 sign up: 报名       
我们到了。提前了10分钟, 我能上课了?
-Lauren: You just missed the rush, sorry.
 miss: 错过 rush: 繁忙的活动【这里指上课报道的忙碌时间】
你刚好错过了. 不好意思。
-LYNETTE: No! No! I, I planned ahead.
 plan ahead: 提前计划
不, 不, 我提早来了。
We're, we're ten minutes early.
-LAUREN: Oh my god!
-LAUREN: When you said you had a sick child, I had no idea. How long has it been?
当你说你有个生病的孩子, 我没注意到。病了多长时间了?
-LYNETTE: Uh, it kind of snuck up on us.
 kind of: 稍微,有点 snuck: sneak过去时 sneak up on sb.: 悄悄接近
嗯, 就是时不时地发作。
-LAUREN: He’s so young too. God, it just breaks my heart.
他还那么小, 天啊, 这太令我伤心了
No, you see, here’s the thing -
你看, 其实是这样的-
-LAUREN: You go ahead into class. I'll find room for your kids.
 go ahead: 前进
你去上课, 我给你的孩子们找个房间。
-SUSAN: Hey, Edie!
嗨, Edie。
-EDIE: Susan.
-SUSAN: Boy, I gotta say, I envy you.
 gotta(=have got to): 必须 envy: 嫉妒
我不得不说, 我妒忌你。
-EDIE: In the name of God, why?
 in the name of: 以…的名义       
看在上帝的份上, 为什么?
-SUSAN: Well, you get to build your dream house, for free.
 get to: 开始 for free: 免费地
I mean, in a weird way, your house burning down was really a good thing.
weird: 奇怪的 burn down: 烧毁
我的意思是, 从一个怪异的角度看你房子被烧其实是件好事。
-EDIE: There’s nothing good about it. I can't replace the memories, the photographs, the -
 replace: 替换,代替 memory: 记忆 photograph: 照片
那事没什么好的。我不能替换我的记忆, 我的照片, 我的
is there something you want?
-SUSAN: Okay, here’s the deal, Edie. I, I -
好吧, 是这样的, Edie。我,我。
-EDIE: I, I, what? Spit it out already, I'm busy.
 spit out: 吐出
我,我,什么?快说吧, 我很忙。
-SUSAN: I just wanted to see how you were holding up.
 hold up: 应付,支撑        
You know, with Mrs. Huber and everything.
你知道, Huber夫人, 以及所有的事情。
-EDIE: My best friend was murdered and stuffed into a garbage bag.
 murder: 谋杀 stuff into: 把…塞入
And nobody cares enough to go with me to spread her ashes.
care: 在意 go with sb.: 相伴 spread: 散布,撒 ash: 骨灰
甚至没人愿意... 和我一起去撒她的骨灰
-SUSAN: I'll go with you, Edie.
我和你一起去, Edie。
-CARLOS: Oh, thank God, I'm starving!
 starve: 挨饿
谢天谢地, 我饿死了。
-GABRIELLE: Well, dig in. I am way too tired to eat.
 dig in: 开始吃,全力以赴地做起来 too…to: 太…以至于
自己拿吧, 我都累得吃不下东西了。
-CARLOS: I'm sorry. Come here.
嗨. 对不起. 过来这儿。
So, did you get to go by the hospital? Visit Mama?
 go by: 顺便拜访  visit: 看望,探望
-GABRIELLE: I worked ten hours today. I'll go by tomorrow. She doesn't even know when I'm there.
我今天工作了10小时。明天去. 她都不知道我在那儿。
-CARLOS: She’s gonna wake up soon, I know it.
 gonna(=going to): 将要 wake up: 醒来
她很快就会醒了, 我知道。
And you know what would make her really happy.
-GABRIELLE: If you say, a grandchild, so help me God!
 grandchild: 孙子/女
哦, 天啊, 如果你想说孙子女,那么帮帮我, Carlos 。
-CARLOS: Gabrielle, please!
Gabrielle, 拜托。
-GABRIELLE: No, you promised, no babies!
 promise: 承诺
不, 你答应的,不要孩子。
-CARLOS: Things change!
-GABRIELLE: Yeah, I know. The Feds towed away my Maserati.
 Fed:〈美俚〉联邦调查局人员 tow: 拖,曳 tow away: 拖走
我知道. 联邦调查局拖走我的Maserati车,
My husband is, is a felon,
felon: 重罪人
and I spend my days getting groped by fat tracker salesmen at trade shows.
spend: 度过 grope: 触摸 tracker: 追踪系统 salesman: 售货员 show: 展览
I am well aware things change!
aware: 意识到
-CARLOS: A baby is solid, a constant.
 solid: 坚固的 constant: 不变
-GABRIELLE: And who is going to be changing the diapers when you're pumping iron in a Federal prison, huh?
 diaper: 尿布 pump: 抽打  prison: 监狱
那么在你蹲联邦大牢的时候谁来换尿片啊? 哼?
I like my lifestyle, and I don't want you to kill it.
我喜欢我的生活方式, 不想被你抹杀。
-CARLOS: Well, look around, Gabrielle, it’s already dead.
 look around: 四下观望 already: 已经
看看周围这一切, Gabrielle。那种生活方式已经没了。
And there’s nothing you can control.
-GABRIELLE: Maybe. But having a baby, that, I can control. You, I can control.
也许吧, 但是生个孩子?我可以控制。我可以控制你。
-CARLOS: Hey, you can't talk to me like that. I'm still the man of this house.
 talk to sb.: 与…交谈
嗨, 你不能用那种口气和我说话,我依然是一家之主。
-GABRIELLE: Oh, really?
The man of the house?
-CARLOS: don't walk away from me! Hey, hey! My food?
 walk away from: 从…走开
别走开,嗨, 嗨, 我的食物。
Gabrielle, come back here right now!
come back: 回来 right now: 立即,马上
Gabrielle! 给我回来!
-GABRIELLE: I wouldn't go too much farther, you're going to end up back in prison.
 end up: 〈非正〉(以…)结束
我不会再走太远了. 你会重新回到监狱去的。
-CARLOS: Damn it! Gabrielle! Get inside now!
 damn: 该死的
该死的, Gabrielle, 快点进来!
-CARLOS: Hey, I waited all day for that!
 wait for: 等待
-GABRIELLE: Mmm, it’s perfect! Oh, mm, crispy and burnt on the outside but nice and steamy on the inside.
 crispy: 脆的 burnt: 烧焦的 steamy: 潮湿的
太棒了。外皮松脆焦黄, 里面的肉鲜嫩多汁。
Uh, uh, uh! Mmmm. Mmmm. you're the man of the house? You can't even leave it!
even: 甚至
你是一家之主? 你甚至都无法离开。
-GEORGE: I love this. It’s like a little adventure. I've never fired a gun before.
 adventure: 冒险 fire: 开枪
我喜欢这样。这像是个小小的冒险. 我以前从未开过枪。
-BREE: The memory of this night will stay with you forever.
 memory: 记忆 stay with: 与…呆着
-GEORGE: Really?
-BREE: Oh, yeah. You always remember your first time.
 remember: 记得
是啊. 你永远记得你的第一次。
God, I hope I brought enough bullets.
bullet: 子弹
天啊, 希望我带够了子弹。
-GEORGE: You know, Bree, I can't tell you what these past few days have meant to me,
Bree, 我,我不知道怎么告诉你过去几天对于我的意义。
finally getting out of the house and trying new things.
get out of: 离开        
终于走出家门, 尝试新的东西
-BREE: Well, we sure have had some fun.
 have fun: 开心
哦, 我们的确很开心
-GEORGE: No, no, it’s, it's more than that.
不, 不, 那 那不仅于此。
I'm starting to forget what it feels like to be lonely.
start to do: 开始干…   feel like: 感觉像 lonely: 孤独的       
-BREE: Oh, George, that’s so sweet. Now come on, let’s go shoot something!
 come on: 来吧 shoot: 开枪,射击
哦, George, 你太好了。来吧. 让我们开始吧。
Now before I fire a handgun, I like to go over a few of the basics just to make sure I'm ready. Okay?
 fire: 开枪  handgun: 手枪 go over: 留下印象 basics: 基本要素 make sure: 确保
在我开枪之前, 我想复习下一些要点确保我准备就绪, 好吗?
So, number one, a strong stance.
stance: 落脚点,站立姿势
一, 摆好架势
-BREE: Two, high hand grasp.
 grasp: 抓紧
二, 一手托枪柄
Three, hard grip.
hard: 有力的 grip: 紧握
三, 紧握把手
Four, front sight.
四, 正视前方
Five, release the safety, and then squeeze the trigger slowly.
release: 释放 safety: 保险 squeeze: 紧握 trigger: 扳机
五, 拉保险, 然后慢慢地扣扳机
-GEORGE: What’s a high hand grasp?
-BREE: Here. Take the gun.
来. 拿着枪。
-Bree: Okay. Now when you're firing a semi-automatic, you want the web of your hand all the way up against the edge of the back strap.
 semi-automatic: 半自动 web: 腹板 edge: 边缘 back strap: 垫座
好, 当你发射半自动手枪时,你要把你的整个手掌紧贴在垫座的边缘。
-GEORGE: What is that perfume you're wearing?
 perfume: 香水
-BREE: Uh, I'm not wearing perfume.
-GEORGE: Are you sure? Because you smell amazing?
 amazing: 令人惊异的
你确定? 因为你闻起来棒极了。
-BREE: Oh, I was making macaroons before I left the house.
 macaroon: 蛋白杏仁饼干
哦, 离家之前我在做蛋白杏仁饼干。
-Bree: Okay, now I want you to hold the gun like you're holding a beautiful white dove.
 hold: 握,举 dove: 鸽子
现在, 我希望你能像握着一只漂亮的白鸽那样握着这支枪。
Hold it firmly enough that it can't get away, but not so firmly that you can kill it. Got it?
firmly: 稳固地 get away: 离开,脱身
握得紧到它不会脱手但不要拼命地握住. 明白?
-GEORGE: I think so.
-BREE: Okay, now all you have to do is take a deep breath...
 take a breath: 深深地吸一口气
...and squeeze the trigger.
 squeeze: 挤压 trigger: 扳机
-GEORGE: Ow! Ow!
ow: 喔唷! 喔哟! (表示疼痛)
-BREE: My God! Oh, George! Sorry!
哦, 上帝啊! George! 真对不起!
Hey. Hi, George. I'm so sorry you lost your toe.
 toe: 脚趾
嗨, George。真对不起让你没了个脚趾。
The doctor said it’s your middle one so your balance shouldn't be affected.
affect: 影响 balance: 平衡感
I mean, this really won't change your life one little bit.
我是说, 这一点都不会改变你的生活。
Please say something.
拜托, 说些什么吧。
-GEORGE: I've always dreamed that before I died, I would get to kiss a truly beautiful woman.
 truly: 真正地
I finally get the chance, and I end up blowing off a toe.
end up: 一…结束 blow off: 炸掉
I'm not surprised.
This type of thing always happens to me, you know.
happen to: 发生在…身上
I know I'll get over it.
get over: 度过
But the thing that I don't think I'll ever get over, is that when I did kiss you, you pulled away from me.
pull away from: 使脱离
但让我无法释怀的是当我吻你的时候, 你离开了我。
Why did you do that, Bree?
你为什么那么做, Bree?
-BREE: I was just caught off guard.
 guard: 防备 catch off one’s guard: 使人措手不及
-GEORGE: But, we're dating. Why would it be so surprising I would try to kiss you?
 date: 约会 try to: 尝试,设法
-BREE: I'm still married to Rex. I mean, we're not even legally separated yet.
 legally: 合法的 yet: 还,尚
我仍然是Rex的妻子. 我们还没真正法律意义上的分居。
-GEORGE: He cheated on you. You said you were going to hate him forever.
 cheat on: 背叛
-BREE: You shouldn't listen to a woman who's just had her heart broken. We tend to lie.
listen to: 听…说话 tend to do: 趋向
-LYNETTE: I think we're a little late. Hi, sorry.
因为我想我们已经太迟了. 嗨. 不好意思
-NARRATOR: Lynette knew serious illness was not a matter to be treated lightly.
 serious: 严重的 matter: 事情 treat: 对待 lightly: 轻轻地
-PARKER: What are you doing?
-LYNETTE: I'm just picking up my sick poor little baby boy. All right, here.
 pick up: 抱起,捡起 poor: 可怜的
我只是抱起我生病了的可怜的小男孩。好, 这样. 来吧
-NARRATOR: But making her yoga class was a matter of life and death.
yoga: 瑜伽 be a matter of: …是至关重要的
-LYNETTE: Excuse me. Sorry. Sorry. Excuse me. Excuse me.
对不起. 对不起。不好意思. 不好意思。
Hey Lauren! Hi. We had a really rough morning.
rough: 粗暴的
嗨, Lauren。我们经历了一个难熬的早上。
-LAUREN: Don't give it another thought.
-EDIE: I bet you were a cheerleader in high school, weren't you?
 bet: 打赌 cheerleader: 拉拉队长
-SUSAN: My junior year. How'd you know?
 junior: 高中
第一年时. 你怎么知道?
-EDIE: Girls like you were always cheerleaders.
Clear skin. Honor Roll. Popular.
skin: 皮肤【这里指背景】 roll: 名单 honor roll: 中小学优秀学生名单
背景清白, 优等学生, 受欢迎
In high school, I was the girl that hung out with the freaks at the loading dock. And smoked. Everyone hated us.
hang out:: 和…在一起 freak: 怪胎 loading: 装载 dock: 码头
在高中时, 我是那种和码头上的怪家伙们,瞎混而且还抽烟的女孩。大家都讨厌我们。
-SUSAN: Well, you know high school. Thank God we leave that behind!
 leave behind: 丢在后面
-EDIE: See, I don't think we do.
I'm still the outsider that doesn't get invited to the cool parties,
 outsider: 局外人
and you're still the perky cheerleader who thinks that she can pull the wool over everyone’s eyes.
perky: 得意洋洋的,快活的 pull: 拉,扯 wool: 羊毛 over: 遍布在…上面
-SUSAN: What?
-EDIE: You came on this trip, paid for the gas, and look at you,
 trip: 旅行 gas: 汽油 look at: 看
你参加这次旅行, 付汽油费, 看看你自己
you're changing this flat when you know I have auto club. You want something from me.
flat: 扁平的【这里指漏完气的轮胎】 auto: 汽车 club: 俱乐部
-SUSAN: I just know Mrs. Huber’s death’s been hard on you. I want to help.
 be hard on sb.: 对…很困难,不公平
-EDIE: That’s a lie.
 lie: 谎言
-SUSAN: Why would you think I was lying?
-EDIE: Because we're still in high school. The old rules apply.
 apply: 应用,使用
The cool kids only want to talk to the freaks when they need something.
talk to sb.: 与…交谈 freak: 怪胎
Now you're not getting back in my car until you tell me what it is that you want.
get back: 回到
-SUSAN: Okay. Look, uh, I,
 uh=huh: 嗯
好的. 你看, 嗯, 我,
I just haven't always treated you well, and I want to make amends.
amend: 补偿
我一直没有好好对待你, 我想补偿。
-EDIE: Hm. I still think you're full of crap. But we don't have time to debate this.
 be full of: 充满 crap: 废话 debate: 争论
-SUSAN: You know, for what it’s worth, I would have talked to you in high school.
 worth: 值得的
尽管可能用处不大, 但我想我应该在高中时就和你说话的。
-EDIE: Of all the lies you told, that’s the worst.
-MR. SHAW: Single malt?
 single: 单个的 malt: 麦芽
-Mr. Shaw: Have a seat. Take a load off.
 take…off: 取下 load: 负荷      
请坐. 休息会儿。
-MIKE: I want it all back. My maps, pictures, my gun, and the money.
我想要回所有的东西,我的地图, 照片, 我的枪... 还有钱。
-MR. SHAW: Oh, my money.
哦, 你是说, 我的钱。
-MIKE: You are never gonna get anybody who cares as much about finding Deirdre as I do!
 gonna: going to 将要 care: 关心
-MR. SHAW: Why? Because you loved her so much? You abandoned her, remember?
 abandon: 遗弃
为什么, 因为你那么爱她?你抛弃了她, 不记得了?
You saved yourself, found yourself a nice, safe wife,
save: 救
你保全了自己, 找了个安全的好妻子,
and you left my daughter to rot, so forgive me if I question your level of commitment.
rot: 腐烂 forgive: 宽恕 question: 质疑 commitment: 承诺
而留下我的女儿走向毁灭,所以如果我怀疑你没有尽力, 请原谅我。
-MIKE: I need to do this! Why are you fighting me?
 fight: 吵架
-MR. SHAW: Because you haven't been moving fast enough. And I'm running out of time.
 run out of: 用完        
因为你的进度不够快, 而我快没时间了。
-MIKE: What do you mean?
-MR. SHAW: It seems I have a tumor. Apparently, it’s pressing on my brain.
 tumor: 肿瘤 apparently: 显然地 press on: 用力压
I'm gonna die. And I'd like to know what happened to my daughter before I do.
gonna(=going to): 将要 happen to: 发生在…身上
我要死了, 但在死之前我要知道我女儿到底出了什么事。
-LYNETTE: Ah. That was the best class ever. You can just terrific, thank you.
 terrific: 极好的
哦, 那是最好的班级了。太棒了。谢谢。
-LAUREN: Oh Lynette, this is my friend Kelly.
Lynette, 这是我朋友Callie
-LAUREN: She wanted to meet Parker.
-LYNETTE: Oh really? Why?
真的吗? 为什么?
-KELLY: I'm a survivor. Breast cancer. About six years ago. Can I hug your son?
 survivor: 幸存者 breast: 乳 cancer: 癌症 hug: 拥抱
我是个幸存者,乳腺癌. 大约是6年前。我能拥抱一下你的儿子吗?
-KELLY: I know exactly what you're going through. But you're gonna be brave, okay?
 exactly: 精确地 go through: 经受,遭受 gonna: going to
我很明白你正在经受的一切,但你要勇敢一点, 好吗?
You are going to survive this, because you are a tough little soldier.
tough: 坚强的  soldier: 战士
你会活下来的, 因为你是个勇敢的小战士
-PARKER: Mommy? Am I dying?
妈妈, 我要死了吗?
-LYNETTE: No! you're not dying! People just think that because I shaved your head.
 shave: 剃
不, 你不会死的,我剃了你的头发所以人们这么想。
-KELLY: You shaved his head?
-PARKER: Yeah, my brothers put bubble gum in my hair.
 bubble: 泡泡
是的, 我的兄弟们把泡泡糖粘到我的头发上。
-LYNETTE: Sorry. Excuse me.
-NARRATOR: And just like that, Lynette realized the road to enlightenment and spiritual
well being was now closed to her.
enlightenment: 愉快 spiritual: 精神的  well being: 健康,福乐
-BREE: Oh George! What - what a surprise!
 surprise: 惊喜
哦, George, 真是,没想到是你.
-GEORGE: See, I've been doing a lot of thinking, since we talked in the hospital. And –
 a lot of: 许多 thinking: 思考
-BREE: And?
-GEORGE: Bree, I don't care what we call it!
 care: 在意
Bree, 我不在乎我们怎么看待它。
We can call it dating, we can call it hanging out.
date: 约会 hang out: [非正式]在一个地方度过或花费大量的时间
它可以是约会, 也可以是消磨时间。
Whatever it is, I just want to be with you. See, uh, I really need our friendship back.
friendship: 友情
不管怎样, 我只想和你在一起,我真的想挽回我们的朋友关系。
-BREE: I don't think that would be wise.
 wise: 明智的
-GEORGE: Why not?
-BREE: Well, I mean, wouldn't you keep hoping that in time I would feel the same way about you as you feel about me?
 keep: 保持,继续 in time: 迟早,最后 feel: 有…感觉
我的意思是, 你是不是一直期望将来我会对你有像你对我那样的感觉?
-GEORGE: Maybe.
-BREE: Oh, George.
哦, George。
-GEORGE: I wish you wouldn't say ‘Oh, George’ like that.
我希望你不要以那种口气说“哦, George”。
Like I'm so pathetic for even thinking you could love me someday.
pathetic: 可悲的 even: 甚至 someday: 某天
-BREE: I don't think you're pathetic. It’s just that...I can't.
我没有认为你很可怜. 只是…我不能。
-GEORGE: Aw, geez. Oh, geez!
 jeez: 呀,天啊
-BREE: Oh George, please don't go!
哦, George, 请别走。
Why can't we talk this over? George, I –
 talk over: 讨论
我们为什么不能好好商量一下呢? George。
Oh my God! George, here.
上帝啊。哦, George, 这儿
-GEORGE: Get away from me!
 get away from: 远离
-BREE: You can lean on me.
lean on: 靠着…,靠在…上
-GEORGE: I don't need you! I don't need anybody!
-GABRIELLE: You know honey, tonight's the last night of the boat show.
你知道, 亲爱的, 今晚是船展的最后一天。
We'll be able to spend some time together before that home and garden thing next week. Carlos.
be able to: 能,会 garden: 花园,园艺
-CARLOS: I'm going to jail. And you're not gonna be here when I get back.
 jail: 监狱 get back: 回来,回家
我会回监狱, 当我回来时你不会在这儿。       
-CARLOS: It’s true. And I won't blame you.
 blame: 责怪
是真的, 我不怪你。
-GABRIELLE: don't talk like that. Everything is going to be fine.
别那么说, 一切都会好起来的。
We're going to sort this mess out, and you're gonna be on top again.
sort out: 整理 mess: 乱七八糟 gonna: going to 将要 on top: 处于优势;在上面
我们会渡过这一关, 你会东山再起。
-CARLOS: Gabrielle, they could find me guilty on every charge.
 guilty: 有罪的 charge: 指控
Gabby, 他们可以在任何一项上定我的罪。
I could go to prison for five years.
prison: 监狱
we'd probably have to sell the house, you'd have to keep working.
probably: 可能,也许 have to: 不得不,必须
-GABRIELLE: Okay, Carlos -
好的, Carlos
-CARLOS: If that happens, can you promise you won't ever leave?
 promise: 承诺 ever: 在某时
如果那样的事发生了, 你能答应不离开吗?
-GABRIELLE: I promise.
I've gotta go.
 gotta: have got to 必须
-EDIE: This is far enough.
-SUSAN: Do you need help with the container?
 container: 容器
-EDIE: No, I got it open. I'm good.
不用了, 打开了的, 我没事。
-SUSAN: So, what are you waiting for?
 wait for: 等候,等待
-EDIE: I just need a moment, okay?
 moment: 时刻
我只是需要点时间, 可以吗?
-SUSAN: Oh, of course, take your time.
 take one’s time: 慢慢来
当然可以, 请随意。
-Susan: Are you okay?
-EDIE: Oh, I'm just so grateful.
 grateful: 感激的
没事, 我真是很感激
-SUSAN: I know, I know. Mrs. Huber was a good friend to you.
我明白. 我我明白。Huber夫人是你的好朋友。
-EDIE: I'm not talking about Martha. I'm grateful to you.
 talk about: 谈论
-EDIE: Yeah, I've been such a bitch to you over the years,
 bitch: 坏女人
我这些年来一直没有好好对你, 而...
and here you are, rowing me out to dump her ashes.
row: 划 dump: 倾倒 ash: 骨灰
-SUSAN: Well, it’s, it's really no, no big deal.
-EDIE: Yes, it is. You stepped up when nobody else would.
 step up: 挺身而出 else: 其他,另外
And here I am, thinking you have an ulterior motive.
ulterior: 隐蔽的 motive: 动机
God, Susan, you're such a good person. And I'm such a bitch!
天啊, Susan, 你真是个好人,而我是这么的坏。
-SUSAN: Well, Edie, you're not that bad, and, and, and believe me, I'm, I'm not that good.
Edie, 你没那么坏, 而且,而且,而且相信我,我,我也没那么好。
-EDIE: Oh, yes you are.
不, 你就是那么好。
-SUSAN: Oh, please don't do this.
-EDIE: Martha may be gone, but the good Lord above has shown me that I'm not alone.
 gone: 离去的,逝世的 Lord: 上帝 alone: 孤单的
I am so grateful that I still have a true friend.
grateful: 感激的
Thank you, Susan.
谢谢你, Susan
-SUSAN: Edie, I burned your house down.
 burn down: 烧毁
Edie, 我烧了你的房子。
-EDIE: Huh?
-SUSAN: I was scared that you were sleeping with Mike,
 scared: 害怕的
and so I let myself in, and I, I snuck around,
let…in: 让…进入 snuck: sneak过去时,偷偷查看 sneak around: 四处窥探
所以我进入你的房子, 偷偷地到处察看,
I accidentally knocked a candle over,
accidentally: 偶然地,意外地 knock over: 撞到 candle: 蜡烛
and the whole, just, I'm so sorry! Can you ever forgive me?
whole: 全部的 ever: 究竟 forgive: 原谅
-EDIE: Row me back. Now.
-MIKE: I'm sorry about before, shoving you, I didn't mean to.
 shove: 推,挤 mean to do: 打算干…
-MR. SHAW: I'm not going to break. I'm sorry too,
 be going to: 将要
for questioning your commitment, your guts. I know better than that.
question: 对…表示怀疑 commitment: 献身 gut: 勇气
怀疑你对此事的投入, 你的勇气,我应该知道的。
-MIKE: Yeah, you should. I keep this with me, all the time. To remind me why I'm there.
 keep with: 陪伴 remind: 提醒
是啊, 你应该知道。我一直带着它。以此提醒自己为什么在这里。
-MR. SHAW: If it turns out someone hurt her, I want them dead.
 turn out: 结果是,原来是 hurt: 伤害
-MIKE: We need to be sure before we do anything.
-MR. SHAW: Well, when you're sure. I know I can trust you to take care of it.
 take care of: 处理
好吧, 等你确定了以后,我知道你能处理好,
After all, you already killed for her once.
after all: 毕竟,究竟 already: 已经 once: 曾经
-CARLOS: Yes, is this the pharmacy? My wife asked me to call. She lost her prescription.
 pharmacy: 药房 prescription: 药方
喂, 是药房吗?我妻子让我打电话来, 她弄丢了处方。
Gabrielle Solis. Yeah, the birth control pills.
Gabrielle Solis,是的, 避孕药。
-CARLOS: Great. she'll be very relieved.
 relieved: 解脱的,轻松的
很好, 很好, 她会很安心的。
Can she get enough for several months?
Yeah, that’s right, better safe than sorry.
safe: 安全的
是的, 事前安全好过事后后悔
Thanks a lot. Oh, do you guys deliver?
deliever: 送货
非常感谢。哦, 你们送货上门吗?
-SUSAN: Edie, please talk to me.
 talk to sb.: 与…交谈
Edie, 说说话啊
I've been thinking about this for the last ninety miles and you don't have to forgive me.
 think about: 考虑  forgive: 原谅
You can go to the police, kick me, you can burn my house down.
kick: 痛斥,申述 burn down: 烧毁
You just have to know that I am so racked with guilt,
rack: 折磨
I don't think it’s possible for me to suffer any more than I'm already suffering.
suffer: 受痛苦
-EDIE: Boy, I'd like to put that theory to the test.
 theory: 理论
哦, 我想试试看你说的是不是真的,
-SUSAN: Well, whatever you want to do, Edie, just know that I'm sorry.
那么... 任何事情都可以, Edie。只要你知道我很抱歉。
-EDIE: I'm not going to the police.
-SUSAN: you're not?
-EDI,E: No. The insurance company will just want to investigate, and it will delay my check.
 investigate: 调查 delay: 延迟 check: 支票
不会。保险公司会想要调查, 那会延迟我的支票。
-SUSAN: Thank you.
-EDIE: But.
There is something I want you to do for me.
-SUSAN: Of course, anything. Uh, you name it! What?
 uh=huh: 嗯 name: 命名,说
当然. 任何事都可以。你说吧. 什么事?
-EDIE: I want to be invited to your poker game.
 poker: 扑克
-SUSAN: Our poker games?
-EDIE: I'm not saying that I'll go. And I'm not saying that you and your little friends have to be nice to me.
我没说我要参加, 我也没说你和你的那些小伙伴要对我好一点。
But, every once in a while, yeah! It'd be nice to be asked.
every once in a while: 偶尔 It’d: it would
不过时不时地, 嗯, 被邀请也很愉快。
-SUSAN: Well, we meet on Tuesdays, and it’s potluck lunch.
 potluck: 便饭
嗯, 我们周二见面, 中饭是家常便饭。
Everybody has to bring something.
-EDIE: I'm not bringing anything.
-SUSAN: Oh, you don't have to. Well, this is good. Thank you.
哦, 你不必带。那很好,谢谢。
I guess I should go take a shower and wash Mrs. Huber off of me.
shower: 淋浴  wash…off: 清洗掉
-EDIE: Hold it. I can't stand the thought of Martha’s ashes going down some sewer drain.
 hold: 持续 stand: 忍受 ash: 骨灰 go down: 沉下
sewer: 下水道 drain: 下水道,阴沟
-SUSAN: Well, Edie, I, I have to clean up.
 clean up: 清理
Edie, 我必须清洗一下。
-EDIE: Well, this is such a beautiful lawn. We could put her to rest right here!
 lawn: 草坪 rest: 安息
-SUSAN: On my front lawn?
-EDIE: Why not? She could spend all of eternity looking at her house,
 spend: 花费时间 eternity: 永远,来世 look at: 看
and keep an eye on the neighborhood. she'd like that.
keep an eye on: 留心,注意 neighborhood: 邻居
Stand over here, I'll hose you off.
over there: 那儿 hose: 水管,冲
过来站这儿. 我替你冲洗。
-SUSAN: I don't think so.
-EDIE: You owe me!
 owe: 欠
Martha, I'm gonna miss you.
gonna(=going to): 将要
Martha... 我会想你的。
-NARRATOR: Death is inevitable.
inevitable: 不可避免的
It’s a promise made to each of us at birth.
promise: 许诺 at birth: 出生时
But before that promise is kept,
we all hope something will happen to us.
happen to: 发生在…身上
Whether it is the thrill of romance...
thrill: 震颤,激动 romance: 浪漫
The joy of raising a family...
joy: 愉悦 raise: 养育
-TWINS: I'm gonna get you.
I'm gonna get you.
-NARRATOR: Or the anguish of great loss...
 anguish: 悲痛 loss: 失去
We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful.
hope to do: 希望做… experience: 经历 meaningful: 有意义的
But the sad fact is, not all lives have meaning.
Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines...
spend on: 在…花费时间 planet: 星球,世界 sideline: 变线
...waiting for something to happen to them, before it’s too late.
wait for: 等候 happen to: 发生在…身上
词汇解析:Amber 校对:Joan


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